In addition to producing our line of finished ceramic home goods, we are now able to offer our kilns for potters, artists, and educators in need of firing services. Our staff of skilled artists and kiln technicians are prepared to handle your work with the utmost care and respect. Continue reading to learn how to get started today!
Anyone utilizing our firing services must have one of our firing service contracts signed and on file with us before we can fire your work. You can download the contract HERE, or you can sign it in person at Ruby Clay Company.
Preparing Your Work for Firing
If you are dropping off your piece to be glaze fired you must be able to tell us what glaze has been applied to your piece. We reserve the right to turn away any pieces coated in unidentified glaze.
We are happy to stilt your pieces for you if you need to glaze the bottom of them. Please keep in mind if you do not want your pieces stilted then they must not be glazed on the bottom.
If you are leaving work with us to be bisque fired please keep in mind that we may not fire your work right away. We will leave your work to dry longer if we think it is still too wet to be fired.
We are happy to fire sculptural pieces filled with PAPER forms, but any pieces filled with plastic, metal, or any material besides paper will be turned away.
Drop off and Pick Up
Ruby Clay's firing service is available on a first come, first serve basis. You can drop off your pieces anytime during the hours outlined below. We will call you when your work in completed and ready for pick up. We urge you to promptly retrieve your work. Any work not picked up 30 days after notification of completion will be discarded.
Monday-Friday: 10 AM to 6 PM
Saturday: 12 to 4 PM
Sunday: Closed
Please keep in mind that we do close for some national holidays. We recommend contacting us a few days in advance if you plan to drop off or pick up during a holiday. Reach us at 918-551-6664 or
Ruby Clay Company accepts cash or card. Educational institutions may arrange to pay via check or bank transfer. Payment is due upon drop off of your work. All of our firing service prices are charged per cubic foot.
Read below to learn how much each of our firing services cost.