Introducing: Maddie
Maddie SchmidtShare
Hello! My name is Maddie Schmidt and I am a Co-Owner of Ruby Clay Company. I grew up in Tulsa and graduated from the University of Tulsa with my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting. I have a background in ceramics, painting, and collage.

I was introduced to clay at a young age and have loved it ever since. I explore a mixture of wheel thrown pottery and hand built sculpture. My work tends to focus on natural objects and forms as well as intimate interior spaces. I enjoy combining subject material and studying color relationships throughout all media. I create functional pottery, as well. I love all things fun, colorful, and unique. You can view my work on instagram @cutpastemaddie.

Like Jessica, I am a resident artist at Red Heat Ceramic Studio in Tulsa’s Pearl District. It has been fantastic to work alongside other clay artists and to be a part of the tight knit Tulsa ceramics community. We are lucky to have such a wide variety of expertise, glazes, and clay in the studio, which is run by Whitney Forsyth.

I’m excited to meet emerging and seasoned clay artists in the Tulsa area through Ruby Clay Company. This has been our dream for a long time and we can’t wait to share it with you!